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Device Management

How to use rbln-stat

rbln-stat is a command-line interface (CLI) utility designed to assist users in managing and monitoring running processes on RBLN NPU. Users can check various information including

  • Version of the ATOM (Name)
    • RBLN-CA02: ATOM
    • RBLN-CA12: ATOM+
  • Power consumption (Power)
  • Current temperature (Temp)
  • NPU utilization (Util)
  • Process id (PID)
  • Context id (CTX)
  • Allocated memory size (Memalloc).

The rbln-stat utility is already included in the RBLN Driver package that you are using now.

$ rbln-stat
|                                 Device Infomation KMD ver: N/A                                  |
| NPU |    Name   | Device    |   PCI BUS ID  | Temp |  Power  |    Memory(used/total)    |  Util |
| 0   | RBLN-CA12 | rbln0     |  0000:51:00.0 |  30C |  43.9W  |      2.4GiB / 15.7GiB    |  98.7 |
| 1   | RBLN-CA12 | rbln1     |  0000:d8:00.0 |  25C |   6.1W  |      0.0B / 15.7GiB      |   0.0 |
|                                        Context Infomation                                       |
| NPU | Process             |     PID      | CTX | Priority | PTID |            Memalloc | Status |
| 0   | python3             |   2928727    |  1  |   min    |  0   |              1.9GiB |  run   |
| 0   | python3             |   2930166    |  2  |   min    |  1   |            468.0MiB |  run   |
| 0   | python3             |   2934705    |  3  |   min    |  2   |             88.0MiB |  idle  |

How to specify device

If your system contains multiple RBLN NPU devices, you have the option to assign a specific device ID to your process by utilizing the RBLN_DEVICES environment variable. The device ID (NPU ID) can be obtained from the CLI tool rbln-stat.

$ RBLN_DEVICES=0 python # to use NPU=0
$ RBLN_DEVICES=1 python # to use NPU=1