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Supported OPs - PyTorch

The PyTorch operations supported by the RBLN SDK are listed in the table below. This list will continue to expand with subsequent updates to the RBLN SDK.

PyTorch OPs Supported Accelerated Note
torch.abs O O -
torch.acos O - -
torch.add O O -
torch.addcdiv O O -
torch.addcmul O O -
torch.addmm O O -
torch.amax O O -
torch.amin O O -
torch.arange O O -
torch.argmax O - -
torch.argmin O - -
torch.argsort O - -
torch.as_tensor O O -
torch.asin O - -
torch.atan O - -
torch.baddbmm O O -
torch.bitwise_and O - -
torch.bitwise_not O - -
torch.bitwise_xor O - -
torch.bmm O O -
torch.broadcast_shapes O O -
torch.broadcast_tensors O O -
torch.broadcast_to O O -
torch.bucketize O - - O O -
torch.ceil O O -
torch.chunk O O -
torch.clamp O O -
torch.clone O - -
torch.cos O - -
torch.cosh O - -
torch.cumsum O - -
torch.div O O - O O -
torch.empty O O -
torch.empty_like O O -
torch.eq O - -
torch.erf O - -
torch.exp O O -
torch.flatten O O -
torch.flip O O -
torch.floor O O -
torch.floor_divide O - -
torch.fmod O - -
torch.full O O -
torch.full_like O O -
torch.gather O - - O - - O - -
torch.index_select O O Accelerate when only scalar index
torch.le O - -
torch.linspace O O -
torch.log O O -
torch.log10 O O -
torch.log1p O O -
torch.log2 O O -
torch.logical_and O - -
torch.logical_not O - -
torch.logical_or O - -
torch.logical_xor O - -
torch.logsumexp O O - O - -
torch.matmul O O -
torch.max O O -
torch.maximum O O -
torch.mean O O -
torch.min O O -
torch.minimum O O - O O -
torch.mul O O -
torch.multinomial O - - O O -
torch.narrow O O - O - -
torch.neg O O -
torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d O - -
torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d O O -
torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d O - -
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool1d O - -
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d O O -
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool3d O - -
torch.nn.AvgPool1d O O -
torch.nn.AvgPool2d O O -
torch.nn.AvgPool3d O O -
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d O O -
torch.nn.BatchNorm2d O O -
torch.nn.BatchNorm3d O O -
torch.nn.CELU O O -
torch.nn.ConstantPad1d O O -
torch.nn.ConstantPad2d O O -
torch.nn.ConstantPad3d O O -
torch.nn.Conv1d O O -
torch.nn.Conv2d O O -
torch.nn.Conv3d O O -
torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d O O -
torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d O O -
torch.nn.ConvTranspose3d O O -
torch.nn.ELU O O -
torch.nn.Embedding O - -
torch.nn.Flatten O O -
torch.nn.GELU O O -
torch.nn.GRU O O -
torch.nn.GRUCell O O -
torch.nn.GroupNorm O O -
torch.nn.Hardsigmoid O O -
torch.nn.Hardswish O O -
torch.nn.Hardtanh O O -
torch.nn.Identity O O -
torch.nn.InstanceNorm1d O O -
torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d O O -
torch.nn.InstanceNorm3d O O -
torch.nn.LPPool1d O O Accelerate only for p=inf (maxpool) or 1 (avgpool)
torch.nn.LPPool2d O O Accelerate only for p=inf (maxpool) or 1 (avgpool)
torch.nn.LSTM O O -
torch.nn.LSTMCell O O -
torch.nn.LayerNorm O O -
torch.nn.LeakyReLU O O -
torch.nn.Linear O O -
torch.nn.LocalResponseNorm O O -
torch.nn.LogSigmoid O O -
torch.nn.LogSoftmax O O -
torch.nn.MaxPool1d O O -
torch.nn.MaxPool2d O O -
torch.nn.MaxPool3d O O -
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention O O -
torch.nn.PReLU O O -
torch.nn.PixelShuffle O O -
torch.nn.RNN O O -
torch.nn.RNNCell O O -
torch.nn.ReLU O O -
torch.nn.ReLU6 O O -
torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d O O -
torch.nn.ReflectionPad2d O O -
torch.nn.ReplicationPad1d O O -
torch.nn.ReplicationPad2d O O -
torch.nn.ReplicationPad3d O O -
torch.nn.SELU O O -
torch.nn.SiLU O O -
torch.nn.Sigmoid O O -
torch.nn.Softmax O O -
torch.nn.Softmax2d O O -
torch.nn.Softmin O O -
torch.nn.Softplus O O -
torch.nn.Softsign O O -
torch.nn.Tanh O O -
torch.nn.Tanhshrink O O -
torch.nn.Threshold O - -
torch.nn.Upsample O O -
torch.nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d O O -
torch.nn.UpsamplingNearest2d O O -
torch.nn.ZeroPad2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool1d O - -
torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool3d O - -
torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool1d O - -
torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool3d O - -
torch.nn.functional.avg_pool1d O O -
torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.avg_pool3d O O -
torch.nn.functional.batch_norm O O -
torch.nn.functional.celu O O -
torch.nn.functional.conv1d O O -
torch.nn.functional.conv2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.conv3d O O -
torch.nn.functional.conv_transpose1d O O -
torch.nn.functional.conv_transpose2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.conv_transpose3d O O -
torch.nn.functional.elu O O -
torch.nn.functional.elu_ O O -
torch.nn.functional.gelu O O -
torch.nn.functional.hardsigmoid O O -
torch.nn.functional.hardswish O O -
torch.nn.functional.hardtanh O O -
torch.nn.functional.instance_norm O O -
torch.nn.functional.interpolate O O -
torch.nn.functional.leaky_relu O O -
torch.nn.functional.leaky_relu_ O O -
torch.nn.functional.linear O O -
torch.nn.functional.local_response_norm O O -
torch.nn.functional.log_softmax O O -
torch.nn.functional.logsigmoid O O -
torch.nn.functional.lp_pool1d O O Accelerate only for p=inf (maxpool) or 1 (avgpool)
torch.nn.functional.lp_pool2d O O Accelerate only for p=inf (maxpool) or 1 (avgpool)
torch.nn.functional.max_pool1d O O -
torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d O O -
torch.nn.functional.max_pool3d O O -
torch.nn.functional.normalize O O -
torch.nn.functional.pad O O -
torch.nn.functional.prelu O O -
torch.nn.functional.pixel_shuffle O O -
torch.nn.functional.relu O O -
torch.nn.functional.relu6 O O -
torch.nn.functional.selu O O -
torch.nn.functional.sigmoid O O -
torch.nn.functional.silu O O -
torch.nn.functional.softmax O O -
torch.nn.functional.softmin O O -
torch.nn.functional.softplus O O -
torch.nn.functional.softsign O O -
torch.nn.functional.tanh O O -
torch.nn.functional.tanhshrink O O -
torch.nn.functional.threshold O - -
torch.norm O O -
torch.numel O O -
torch.ones O O -
torch.ones_like O O -
torch.pow O O - O O -
torch.reciprocal O O -
torch.remainder O - -
torch.repeat_interleave O O -
torch.reshape O O -
torch.roll O - -
torch.round O O -
torch.rsqrt O O -
torch.scatter O - -
torch.scatter_add O - -
torch.searchsorted O - -
torch.sigmoid O O -
torch.sign O O -
torch.sin O - -
torch.sinh O - -
torch.sort O - -
torch.split O O -
torch.sqrt O O -
torch.square O O -
torch.squeeze O O -
torch.stack O O -
torch.std O O -
torch.sub O O -
torch.sum O O -
torch.swapaxes O O -
torch.swapdims O O -
torch.t O O -
torch.take O O -
torch.tan O - -
torch.tanh O O -
torch.tensor_split O O -
torch.topk O - -
torch.transpose O O -
torch.tril O - -
torch.triu O - -
torch.true_divide O O -
torch.trunc O - -
torch.unbind O O -
torch.unsqueeze O O -
torch.var O O -
torch.var_mean O O -
torch.where O O -
torch.zeros O O -
torch.zeros_like O O -