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Model Zoo - PyTorch

The RBLN PyTorch model zoo offers a wide variety of neural network models designed to run on the RBLN NPU. The number of models covered by the RBLN model zoo will continuously expand as the RBLN SDK is upated. You can access full list of the models in the RBLN Model Zoo GitHub repository.

Supported models

Here is the full list of the models covered by the RBLN PyTorch model zoo as of today.

Model Dataset Task
Stable Diffusion v1.5 LAION-2B
Stable Diffusion XL -
SDXL-turbo -
ControlNet -
Llama3-8b A new mix of publicly available online data Text Generation
Llama2-7b A new mix of publicly available online data Text Generation
Llama2-13b A new mix of publicly available online data Text Generation
Gemma-7b 6 trillion tokens of web, code, and mathematics text Text Generation
Gemma-2b 6 trillion tokens of web, code, and mathematics text Text Generation
Mistral-7b Publicly available online data Text Generation
Mi:dm-7b AI-HUB/the National Institute of Korean Language Text Generation
GPT2 WebText Text Generation
GPT2-medium WebText Text Generation
GPT2-large WebText Text Generation
GPT2-xl WebText Text Generation
SOLAR-10.7b alpaca-gpt4-data + etc. Text Generation
EEVE-Korean-10.8b Korean-translated ver. of Open-Orca/SlimOrca-Dedup and argilla/ultrafeedback-binarized-preferences-cleaned Text Generation
Llava-v1.6-mistral-7b - Image Captioning
T5-small Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus Text Generation
T5-base Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus Text Generation
T5-large Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus Text Generation
T5-3b Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus Text Generation
BART-base BookCorpus + etc. Text Generation
BART-large BookCorpus + etc. Text Generation
KoBART-base Korean Wiki Text Generation
E5-base-4K Colossal Clean text Pairs Embedding Retrieval
BERT-base - BookCorpus & English Wikipedia
- SQuAD v2
BERT-large - BookCorpus & English Wikipedia
- SQuAD v2
DistilBERT-base - BookCorpus & English Wikipedia
- SQuAD v2
Question Answering
SecureBERT a manually crafted dataset from the human readable descriptions of MITRE ATT&CK techniques and tactics Masked Langague Modeling
RoBERTa a manually crafted dataset from the human readable descriptions of MITRE ATT&CK techniques and tactics Text Classification
MotionBERT - Human3.6M & AMASS
BGE-M3 MLDR and bge-m3-data Embedding Retrieval
BGE-Reranker-V2-M3 MLDR and bge-m3-data Embedding Retrieval
BGE-Reranker-Base MLDR and bge-m3-data Embedding Retrieval
BGE-Reranker-Large MLDR and bge-m3-data Embedding Retrieval
BLIP2-2.7b LAION Image Captioning
Whisper-tiny 680k hours of labeled data from the web Speech to Text
Whisper-base 680k hours of labeled data from the web Speech to Text
Whisper-small 680k hours of labeled data from the web Speech to Text
Whisper-medium 680k hours of labeled data from the web Speech to Text
Whisper-large 680k hours of labeled data from the web Speech to Text
Wav2Vec2 Librispeech Speech to Text
ConvTasNet WSJ Speech Separation
Audio-Spectogram-Transformer AudioSet Audio Classification
Time-Series-Transformer tourism-monthly dataset Time-series Forecasting
DPT-large MIX 6 Monocular Depth Estimation
DeepLabV3_ResNet50 ILSVRC2012 Semantic Segmentation
DeepLabV3_ResNet101 ILSVRC2012 Semantic Segmentation
DeepLabV3_MobileNetV3_Large ILSVRC2012 Semantic Segmentation
FCN_ResNet50 ILSVRC2012 Semantic Segmentation
FCN_ResNet101 ILSVRC2012 Semantic Segmentation
UNet Carvana Semantic Segmentation
DeiT-tiny ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-tiny distilled ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-small ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-small distilled ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-base ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-base distilled ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-base 384 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DeiT-base distilled 384 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
R3D_18 KINETICS400_V1 Video Classification
MC3_18 KINETICS400_V1 Video Classification
R(2+1)D_18 KINETICS400_V1 Video Classification
S3D KINETICS400_V1 Video Classification
YOLOv3-tiny COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv3 COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv3-spp COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv4 COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv4-csp-s-mish COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv4-csp-x-mish COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv5n COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv5s COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv5m COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv5l COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv5x COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv6s COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv6n COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv6m COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv6l COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv7-tiny COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv7 COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv7x COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv8n COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv8s COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv8n COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv8m COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv8l COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOv8x COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-nano COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-tiny COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-s COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-m COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-l COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-x COCO Obejct Detection
YOLOX-darknet53 COCO Obejct Detection
3DDFA_V2 300W-LP Face Alignment
ConvNeXtTiny ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ConvNeXtSmall ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ConvNeXtBase ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ConvNeXtLarge ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB0 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB1 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB2 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB3 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB4 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB5 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB6 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNetB7 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNet_V2_S ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNet_V2_M ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
EfficientNet_V2_L ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
Wide_ResNet50_2 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
Wide_ResNet101_2 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MNASNet0_5 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MNASNet0_75 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MNASNet1_0 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MNASNet1_3 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MobileNet_V2 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MobileNet_V3_Small ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
MobileNet_V3_Large ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet18 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet34 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet50 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet101 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet152 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet101V2 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNet152V2 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG11 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG11_BN ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG13 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG13_BN ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG16 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG16_BN ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG19 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
VGG19_BN ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
SqueezeNet1_0 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
SqueezeNet1_1 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ShuffleNet_V2_X0_5 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ShuffleNet_V2_X1_0 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ShuffleNet_V2_X1_5 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ShuffleNet_V2_X2_0 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DenseNet121 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DenseNet161 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DenseNet169 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
DenseNet201 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_400MF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_800MF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_1_6GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_3_2GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_8GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_16GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_X_32GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_400MF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_800MF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_1_6GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_3_2GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_8GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_16GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_32GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
RegNet_Y_128GF ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNeXt50_32x4D ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNeXt101_32x8D ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
ResNeXt101_64x4D ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
AlexNet ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
GoogLeNet ILSVRC2012 Image Classification
Inception_V3 ILSVRC2012 Image Classification